KHODIYAR INDUSTRIES is Manufacturing and Exporting Roto moulding Machine, one of these is your mind-blowing machine is plastic tank making machine-like, open fire rock n roll machine.

We are specialised in the open fire rock n roll machine, as known as the rock n roll roto moulding machine. Open fire rock n roll roto moulding machine is used to produce plastic water tank of the roto moulding process. The roto moulding and Rotational moulding process product life span are very long.

Open Fire Rock N Roll Machine Features:

  • For Initial Start-up, Most Suitable machine due to its Lower Investment Cost.

  • This machine Can be used for Roto lining for Specially Fittings and other products.

  • Hydraulic Power Pack.

  • Low cost, more production for big size hollow product.

  • Special products like Boats, Kayak, Canoes, Large Diameter Drainage Pipes, Vehicle Bodies, Porta Cabins, Large Capacity Water Tank can be produced on Rock n Roll comfortably.

  • User-Friendly Low pressure outside adjustable individual burners provided for effective heating, low consumption of fuel, trouble-free services for a long time.

  • Sturdy Machine suitable for manufacturing large size hollow products. Up to 40000 ltrs / 10000 USG capacity.

  • Process fully visual and as such very less chances of rejection of products less break down & maintenance.

  • PLC for Automation.

  • Microprocessor-based machine control panel with digital display.

open fire layout


It is possible to customize the machine to suit the customer demand.


Most Economical Roto moulding machines to produce Very large Size hollow products up to 40,000 LTR [10000 USG / 8000 Imperial Gallons].